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Each November, in accordance with state statute, the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis produces a Fiscal Accountability Report. According to statute, the report must explain: (1) the level of spending changes from current year spending allowed by consensus revenue estimates, (2) any changes to current year spending necessary because of “fixed cost drivers,” and (3) the total change to current year spending required to accommodate fixed cost drivers without exceeding current revenue estimates.

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Issue brief and backgrounder from the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research that explains the volatility cap, and the related bond covenant requirement, which was initially passed as part of Connecticut's biennial budget for fiscal years 2018-19.

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Fact sheets from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis that provide data about the State Employees Retirement System (SERS), including information about the System's 1) membership, 2) employee defined benefit contributions, 3) state contributions, and 4) actuarial value of assets and liabilities.

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Every year, Connecticut's Department of Revenue Services releases a report providing an overview of the State's taxes and the revenue Connecticut has collected. Included in this annual report is a summary of legislation passed during the previous Connecticut legislative session that impacts taxes. For each tax, the report provides a brief description of the tax and includes details such as: revenue generated from the tax, basis and rate of the tax, number of taxpayers and filing frequency, and exemptions to the tax.

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Fact sheets from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis that provide data about the Teachers' Retirement System (TRS), including information about the System's 1) membership, 2) state contributions, and 3) actuarial value of assets and liabilities.

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This research report from the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research summarizes the State of Connecticut's fiscal "caps" as well as bonding restrictions and controls. Included in this report are summaries of the state's: spending cap, revenue cap, volatility cap, debt limit, bond allocation cap, bond issuance cap, bond allotment cap, and bond lock.

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