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Building Knowledge & Equitable Solutions for a Stronger Connecticut

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State budget

ANALYSIS: Student-Centered Funding Partially Enacted for FY 2025

Check out our nonpartisan analysis of how the budget stabilization bill maintains increases for K-12 education and overhauls how Connecticut supports all public school students.


2024 District Leader Survey Results

School district leaders say the loss of COVID-relief funds will result in cuts to programs and staff, and make it more difficult to address student needs and improve academic performance.

Education Data

Introducing the EdExplorer App

Access district and school-level data on enrollment, funding, and student performance with our new mobile and desktop app — EdExplorer.

District Data

Updated District Reference Groups (DRGs)

Explore our updated DRGs for 2023, which group local and regional public school districts together based on the similar characteristics and needs of their students. 


Explore Our Consulting Services

We offer a variety of fee-based consulting services that harness our data, policy, communications, and community engagement expertise and experience to provide partners with the assistance and support needed to achieve their goals.

District & School Spending

Explore spending for each Connecticut district and school, ad see how spending compares across communities.

A female student sits at her desk writing.

Community Engagement

Get involved in the conversation about equitable funding and make your voice heard in your community and at the Capitol. Keep in touch with our Community Engagement team and check out past workshops and register for future events.

EdExplorer App

Access district and school-level data on enrollment, funding, and student performance with EdExplorer — our easy-to-use desktop and mobile app for Connecticut education data.
Different charts and graphs from the EdExplorer app.

Commitment to Equity

Learn about our commitment to equity and how we work to ensure it's reflected in the diversity of our staff, the data we analyze, the policies we develop, and the conversations we have with policymakers, stakeholders, and community members.

Two women sit at a table discussing issues in communities.

Reports & Publications

Stay up-to-date on what we’re working on and our latest reach by reading, viewing, or downloading all of our reports, publications, and other materials.

District Reference Groups (DRGs)

Explore our updated DRGs — groups of school districts similar in characteristics and needs — and discover information on each DRG's demographics, spending, teacher salaries, and performance.

COVID-19 Relief Funding for Education

Explore how Connecticut's school districts are planning to use federal funding to combat COVID-19 and the impacts it has had on students and staff.

The U.S. Capitol building with a graphic of the coronavirus to the left of it.

Consulting Services

Discover the consulting services we offer that harness our data, policy, communications, and community engagement expertise to provide partners with the assistance and support needed to achieve their goals.

Town & School Information

Access district-specific school finance presentations and explore how Connecticut's education funding system impacts communities across the state.

The skyline of downtown Hartford, Connecticut.

Workshops & Presentations

Browse our wide selection of workshop and presentation offerings, and schedule time to meet with our Community Engagement team.

Erika Haynes, our Director of Community Engagement, gives a presentation to a group of parents and students.


Learn how we've secured an additional $526 million in funding for Connecticut's public school students, directly engaged thousands of community members, and led the reform of Connecticut's main education funding formula.

What We're Working On

Learn more about our current initiatives and the education funding work we're doing each and every day, and check out resources related to our latest projects.


Announcement of a Community Engagement Fellow program and the solicitation of applicants from Waterbury, Connecticut.


Graphic that reads "Tracing the last 50 years of Connecticut's LGBTQ+ history"






AAPI Month 2024


Graphic celebrating the passage of HB 5523.


Graphic announcing the hiring of a Community Engagement Manager.


Graphic summarizing how the loss of ESSER dollars will impact school districts.


Happy Passover!


Details on a legislative forum on educator diversity being held.

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