Federal Funding for Districts
Connecticut's public school districts receive nearly $553 million annually in funding from the federal government. This funding is provided to districts for a variety of purposes, such as school breakfast and lunch programs, special education services, multilingual learner education, and academic improvement initiatives.
Use the tool below to explore the federal funding each Connecticut school district received for the 2023-24 school year. To view a district's federal funding, use the drop-down menu labeled "Select a District" and pick a district, or view the total federal funding for all Connecticut districts by selecting "Statewide District Total."
After selecting a district, two charts will appear: 1) a donut chart displaying the selected district's total funding by source (state, local, federal, and other); and 2) a treemap detailing each source of federal funding the district received for the 2023-24 school year.
On the treemap, hover over a box to see how much federal funding the district is receiving from that specific federal grant or program. To learn more about a specific federal grant or program, click on its box for a description with more information. To go back to view all the sources of federal funding a district receives, simply click the box again.
- Federal funding data comes from the Connecticut State Department of Education's EdSight portal and Grant Payment Report, as well as USAspending. Districts may receive federal funding not captured in these data sources. As a result, some sources of federal funding may not be included in a district's total federal funding and may not be included in the treemap detailing the district's sources of federal funding. Smaller federal funding sources, as well as those not directly related to K-12 education, have also not been included in each district's treemap.
Federal funding captured in this tool only includes payments made to school districts. The State of Connecticut does receive additional federal funding for K-12 education that is not distributed to school districts, but instead is used at the state level, for items such as assessment, or is passed through to other entities.
- One-time federal COVID-relief dollars provided to districts through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund may be included in the federal portion of a district's total funding by source (i.e. donut chart). However, ESSER dollars are not included in a district's treemap or its displayed total federal funding.
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