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Staffing Levels & Demographics

The largest expense for every Connecticut school district is people. Salaries and benefits for the teachers, administrators, and staff who educate and support students make up the largest single expense for districts, regardless of a district's size or location.

But just like with spending, staffing levels differ across districts and not all students have the same class sizes or equal access to counselors, psychiatrists, nurses, or other support services that can impact a student's educational success and physical and emotional health.

The visualization below shows the staffing levels (by students per staff member) for the selected district compared to three similar districts. Use the drop-down menu on the left to select a district and use the buttons below to select the type of staff. All staffing levels are displayed as students per the selected staff type.

The visualization at the bottom of the page will also update based on the selected district and display the racial demographics of the district's certified staff compared to the demographics of the district's students.

District Staffing & Comparisons


Each selected district's comparison districts are based on a number of factors that take into consideration each district's: student population, community needs and wealth, geographical location, grades served, and district structure (ex. regional school district). To better compare districts' student populations and community needs, District Reference Group (DRG) placement was used as one factor in identifying comparison districts.

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