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Resource Center

The Resource Center contains a wide collection of reports, publications, and data from Connecticut and national sources. To navigate through the Resource Center, use the keyword search below or browse by selecting a specific category using the drop-down menu below the Featured post.

Monthly reports from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis detailing its most recent estimated General Fund budget projections.

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Periodically since 2008, an actuarial valuation and review has been conducted concerning the State of Connecticut's Other Post-employment Benefits (OPEB) program. Other Post-employment Benefits are benefits (other than pensions) that the State of Connecticut provides to state employees once they retire. These benefits include medical, dental, and life insurance as well as prescription drug coverage.

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Following each legislative session, the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research produces a report highlighting "major provisions of new laws affecting taxes." This report, titled "Acts Affecting Taxes, has been released annually since 2006, with the exception of 2007 and 2020 when no report was released.

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These files, from the Connecticut State Department of Education, detail the Minimum Budget Requirement (MBR) for each town. All Connecticut towns have a MBR that — with some exceptions — they must adhere to in providing funding to their local school districts. According to the MBR, a town may not budget less for education than it did in the previous fiscal year, unless it can demonstrate specific achievements or changes within the town’s local school district.

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Monthly reports from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis detailing its most recent estimated General Fund budget projections, revenue estimates, and expenditure details for fiscal year 2023.

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Published annually by the State Comptroller, this report provides a detailed look at the state's finances and provides insight into Connecticut's overall fiscal health. Included in the yearly report are fund balances as well as information on items impacting Connecticut's fiscal situation, including the state's cash deposits and investments, current liabilities, long-term debt, state retirement systems, and capital assets.

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