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Connecticut Tax Expenditure Reports (Office of Fiscal Analysis)

In accordance with state statute, every other year, the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis produces a report on the state's tax expenditures, which are defined as exemptions, exclusions, deductions, or credits that result in less tax revenue to the State or municipalities than they would otherwise receive. The tax expenditure report includes:

  • Description of each expenditure;
  • The year in which the expenditure was enacted;
  • The purpose for its enactment;
  • Summary of any amendments to the expenditure since its enactment;
  • Estimated state and municipal fiscal impact of the expenditure during each
  • fiscal year of the current biennium;
  • Estimate of the revenue that would result from repeal of the expenditure; and
  • Estimate of the number of taxpayers receiving benefit from the expenditure

Citation for Most Recent Report
Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Fiscal Analysis. (2024). Connecticut Tax Expenditure Report, February 2024. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from