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Resource Center

The Resource Center contains a wide collection of reports, publications, and data from Connecticut and national sources. To navigate through the Resource Center, use the keyword search below or browse by selecting a specific category using the drop-down menu below the Featured post.

Monthly reports from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis detailing its most recent estimated General Fund budget projections.

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This resource includes reports from the 14-member Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth, which was initially created as part of the biennial budget for fiscal years 2018-19 (Conn. Acts 17-2 (June Special Session)). After issuing its first report with recommendations in March 2018, the Commission members (acting as a private group) released a second report with revised recommendations on November 28, 2018. The Commission's charge was to "develop and recommend policies to achieve state government fiscal stability and promote economic growth and competitiveness within the state."

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Connecticut state statute directs the secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the director of the General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis to agree on and issue consensus revenue estimates each year by November 10, and to issue any necessary consensus revenue revisions of those estimates in January and April. The estimates must cover the current biennium and the three following years. The consensus revenue estimates and revised estimates must (1) serve as the basis for the governor's proposed budget and for the revenue statement included in the final budget act passed by the General Assembly to indicate the budget is balanced, and (2) be included in the annual fiscal accountability reports submitted to the General Assembly's fiscal committees each November.

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This resource includes state-level analysis of public education finances from the U.S. Census Bureau. The education finance data include revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets of elementary and secondary public school systems. Statistics cover school systems in all states, and include the District of Columbia. The report and tables, released annually, include detailed statistics on spending – such as instruction, student transportation, salaries and employee benefits – at the national, state, and school district levels.

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Tax incidence is a method of analysis that examines the impact of taxation. The tax incidence report from Connecticut's Department of Revenue Services (DRS) examines the impact of taxes on Connecticut households, analyzes the "results of the interplay of tax impacts," and provides an overview of Connecticut's tax environment.

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Required by Section 4-74a of the Connecticut General Statutes, this report is prepared by Connecticut's Office of Policy and Management and is required to "include the recommendations of the Governor concerning the economy and shall include an analysis of the impact of both proposed spending and proposed revenue programs on the employment, production and purchasing power of the people and industries within the state.” This report is also intended to provide a brief profile of the State of Connecticut, the economy of the state, revenues and economic assumptions that support the governor's budget, and an analysis of the impact of both proposed spending and proposed revenue programs on the economy of the State of Connecticut.

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