The Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding was created by the Connecticut General Assembly to examine a variety of issues related to special education. Specifically, the Task Force looked at the state's severe special education staffing shortage, the lack of resources for special education, the lack of equity in special education across the state, and the failure to close the state's achievement gap.
These infographics detail how the $150 million for Education Finance Reform was allocated for FY 2025, and how need-based funding was implemented for public schools of choice.
On or before the 20th day of each month, Connecticut's Office of Policy and Management, in compliance with section 4-66 of the state's General Statutes, provides the state comptroller with a forecast of revenues and expenditures for the state's General Fund.
Connecticut state statute directs the secretary of the Office of Policy and Management and the director of the General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis to agree on and issue consensus revenue estimates each year by November 10, and to issue any necessary consensus revenue revisions of those estimates in January and April. The estimates must cover the current biennium and the three following years. The consensus revenue estimates and revised estimates must (1) serve as the basis for the governor's proposed budget and for the revenue statement included in the final budget act passed by the General Assembly to indicate the budget is balanced, and (2) be included in the annual fiscal accountability reports submitted to the General Assembly's fiscal committees each November.
The Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding was created by the Connecticut General Assembly to examine a variety of issues related to special education. Specifically, the Task Force looked at the state's severe special education staffing shortage, the lack of resources for special education, the lack of equity in special education across the state, and the failure to close the state's achievement gap.