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Resource Center

The Resource Center contains a wide collection of reports, publications, and data from Connecticut and national sources. To navigate through the Resource Center, use the keyword search below or browse by selecting a specific category using the drop-down menu below the Featured post.

The Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding was created by the Connecticut General Assembly to examine a variety of issues related to special education. Specifically, the Task Force looked at the state's severe special education staffing shortage, the lack of resources for special education, the lack of equity in special education across the state, and the failure to close the state's achievement gap.

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The State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC) is made up of 15 public sector employee unions representing roughly 46,000 Connecticut state employees. SEBAC was recognized in 1986 under Conn. Acts 86-411 to negotiate with the State on healthcare and pension benefits for its individual unions’ active members, as well as retirees.

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This report examines whether the common narrative that "young people” and the “wealthy” are leaving Connecticut is substantiated by the data. The report examines a variety of publicly available data sources to ascertain Connecticut's migration trends and answer the following questions: 1) What is driving Connecticut’s recent population declines?; 2) Is Connecticut unique in these declines?; and 3) Who is migrating in and out from Connecticut on three dimensions - age, educational attainment, and income?

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Established by section 24 of Conn. Acts 15-1 (December Special Session), the Spending Cap Commission was "charged with creating, for the purposes of the state's constitutional general budget expenditures requirements, proposed definitions of (1) 'increase in personal income,' (2) 'increase in inflation,' and (3) 'general budget expenditures.'" The 24-member Commission, however, did not issue an official final report because its members were unable to agree on a set of recommendations for defining the three items outlined in the Commission's charge.

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