Each November, in accordance with state statute, the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis produces a Fiscal Accountability Report. According to statute, the report must explain: (1) the level of spending changes from current year spending allowed by consensus revenue estimates, (2) any changes to current year spending necessary because of “fixed cost drivers,” and (3) the total change to current year spending required to accommodate fixed cost drivers without exceeding current revenue estimates.
This annual report from Connecticut's Office of the Treasurer provides data and information about Connecticut's Combined Investment Funds (CIF). According to the Office of the Treasurer, the "CIF were established as a means to invest pension and trust fund assets entrusted to the Treasurer in a variety of investment classes," and the CIF's primary purpose is to help the State pay its pension obligations.
Required by Section 109 of Conn. Acts 17-2 (June Special Session) to be conducted annually and reported to the General Assembly's Appropriations Committee, this stress test report of Connecticut's State Employees Retirement System (SERS) and Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) was conducted by The Pew Charitable Trusts and includes projections of benefit levels, pension costs, liabilities, and debt reduction under various economic and investment scenarios.
This issue brief from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Legislative Research examines the public schools of choice that Connecticut offers, including charter schools, magnet schools, agricultural science and technology centers (i.e., “vo-ag centers”), and technical high schools.
This issue brief from the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research describes Connecticut's bonding program and the process for issuing bonds.
This resource includes reports from the 14-member Commission on Fiscal Stability and Economic Growth, which was initially created as part of the biennial budget for fiscal years 2018-19 (Conn. Acts 17-2 (June Special Session)). After issuing its first report with recommendations in March 2018, the Commission members (acting as a private group) released a second report with revised recommendations on November 28, 2018. The Commission's charge was to "develop and recommend policies to achieve state government fiscal stability and promote economic growth and competitiveness within the state."