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Resource Center

The Resource Center contains a wide collection of reports, publications, and data from Connecticut and national sources. To navigate through the Resource Center, use the keyword search below or browse by selecting a specific category using the drop-down menu below the Featured post.

The Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding was created by the Connecticut General Assembly to examine a variety of issues related to special education. Specifically, the Task Force looked at the state's severe special education staffing shortage, the lack of resources for special education, the lack of equity in special education across the state, and the failure to close the state's achievement gap.

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This research report from the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research summarizes the State of Connecticut's fiscal "caps" as well as bonding restrictions and controls. Included in this report are summaries of the state's: spending cap, revenue cap, volatility cap, debt limit, bond allocation cap, bond issuance cap, bond allotment cap, and bond lock.

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The DIY Revenue Calculator is an online, interactive tool provided by the Office of the State Comptroller, which allows users to calculate the approximate impact tax changes would have on overall state revenue. Using the DIY Revenue Calculator, users can 1) specify changes in existing state tax rates, 2) eliminate existing state tax exemptions and credits, and 3) implement new state taxes and fees to change the estimated amount and sources of state revenue.

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This annual report from Connecticut's Office of the Treasurer provides data and information about Connecticut's Combined Investment Funds (CIF). According to the Office of the Treasurer, the "CIF were established as a means to invest pension and trust fund assets entrusted to the Treasurer in a variety of investment classes," and the CIF's primary purpose is to help the State pay its pension obligations.

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