The Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding was created by the Connecticut General Assembly to examine a variety of issues related to special education. Specifically, the Task Force looked at the state's severe special education staffing shortage, the lack of resources for special education, the lack of equity in special education across the state, and the failure to close the state's achievement gap.
On February 3, 2010, Governor M. Jodi Rell issued an executive order establishing the State Post-Employment Benefits Commission to examine the unfunded liabilities, costs, and budgetary impacts associated with the State's public pension systems and other post-employment benefits (OPEB). The governor executive order charged the Commission with delivering a report that: 1) identified the amount and extent of unfunded liabilities for pensions and other post-employment benefits; 2) compared and evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of various approaches for addressing unfunded pension liabilities and post-employment benefits; and 3) Proposed short and long-term plans for addressing unfunded pension liabilities and post-employment benefits.