On May 7, 2024, the General Assembly passed H.B. 5523, a budget stabilization bill that appropriates funds for fiscal year 2025 and makes a number of different policy changes to K-12 education and other areas. Along with maintaining the $150 million in additional funding for K-12 education in FY 2025 that was allotted as part of the state budget passed last year, the bill overhauls how Connecticut distributes state education funding to school districts.
This policy briefing provides an overview of career and technical education programs in Connecticut and peer states. The review examines how CTE programs are funded, the types of programs offered, governance of CTE programs in each state, and the enrollment process for CTE programs in each state.
This report provides an overview of the operations, structure, governance, and accountability measures for charter schools in Connecticut and a variety of other states. Each state-specific section reviews the school choice landscape of the state and provides information about charter school governance, authorization, and accountability.