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Governor Rell's Commission on Education Finance - Final Report

After Governor Jodi Rell formed a Commission on Education Finance in 2006 to examine how Connecticut funds its public schools, the Commission released its final report in January 2006 with a multitude of recommendations on how to improve the state's school finance system.

Following the Commission's report, Gov. Rell proposed changes to the state’s school finance system, including:

  • Increasing the Education Cost Sharing grant $1.1 billion over the next five years to $2.7 billion
  • Increasing the foundation from $5,891 to $9,867
  • Increasing the State Guaranteed Wealth Level (SGWL) to 1.75
  • Raising the minimum aid ratio from six percent to 10 percent
  • Calculating “Need Students” using 33 percent of a district’s Title I poverty count and 15 percent of students with Limited English Proficiency
  • Eliminating grant caps

State of Connecticut, Office of the Governor, Commission on Education Finance. (2007). Governor Rell’s Commission on Education Finance – Final Report. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from
