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Funding Formula Guidebook

In an effort to provide valuable background information about the components of an effective school finance system, and offer options for policymakers to consider, the Connecticut School Finance Project created a comprehensive Funding Formula Guidebook, which details a framework for an equitable school finance system.

The Funding Formula Guidebook examines how Connecticut can achieve fair funding for its more than 540,000 students and includes:
  • An overview of policy approaches to state education funding
  • A review of research on effective education funding policies
  • A summary of recent education funding reforms in other states
  • An examination of how Connecticut’s current school finance system measures up to the necessary elements and characteristics of an effective school finance system
  • A comprehensive analysis of key school finance system components including the:
    • Foundation or core instructional amount
    • Weights to drive resources toward districts and schools that serve higher-need students
    • Mechanism for dividing the responsibility for funding education between the state and local government
    • Inclusion of all students who attend public schools

Connecticut School Finance Project. (2016). Funding Formula Guidebook. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from