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Low-Performing School District Interventions in Massachusetts and Connecticut

This policy briefing discusses the authority of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Connecticut State Department of Education to intervene in low-performing public schools and districts in their respective states.

Included in this policy briefing is a focus on the 5-tier accountability system used in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to aid low-performing public schools and school districts. Specifically, this policy briefing covers Massachusetts’ distinct feature of receivership of schools or districts, which grants a level of authority to the Commonwealth to intervene in chronically low-performing schools and districts.

Additionally, highlighted in this policy briefing is State of Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability Plan and the authority of the State to intervene in low-performing school districts, including assigning district improvement officers.

Connecticut School Finance Project. (2019). Low-Performing School District Interventions in Massachusetts and Connecticut. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from