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Connecticut's Non-Appropriated Accounts

Overcoming Connecticut's fiscal challenges to produce a balanced budget that maintains service levels and fulfills policy objectives requires creative solutions. Examining the state’s non-appropriated accounts for possible resource reallocation opportunities is one potential solution.

Examining the funds present in the State of Connecticut’s approximately 1,400 non-appropriated accounts, which total over $500 million combined, could help alleviate some of fiscal pressure on the state’s General Fund. Many of these accounts were created to provide continuous and stable funding to important items and programs, but incorporating these accounts into the budget development process could help the legislature address some of Connecticut’s fiscal challenges.

The purpose of this policy briefing is to provide insight on what non-appropriated accounts are, how these accounts fit into the state’s budgeting process, and how including non-appropriated accounts in the budget development process can have the potential to help address Connecticut’s fiscal challenges.

School and State Finance Project. (2021). Connecticut's Non-Appropriated Accounts. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from