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Statement on Senate Republicans' Proposed Budget for FYs 2024 and 2025

 -  Lisa Hammersley, School + State Finance Project

The budget proposal released yesterday by Senate Republicans is disappointing. The proposal fails to prioritize K-12 education and falls far short of making the investments necessary to meet the urgent needs of students, families, educators, and communities.

Students continue to recover from the pandemic’s impacts on their learning and mental health. School districts and communities are facing a dramatic fiscal cliff that without action will result in layoffs, critical program cuts, or significant property tax increases. Connecticut businesses have over 100,000 open jobs they are unable to fill due to a lack skilled applicants.

These are serious challenges that — unlike the budget proposals from the Appropriations Committee and House Republicans — the Senate Republicans’ budget fails to address.

Our state needs a budget that reflects its values and prioritizes its most important resource: its children. As budget negotiations continue, we urge legislators to prioritize K-12 public education by fully funding H.B. 5003 so all Connecticut children have the resources and opportunities they need to reach their full potential.