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Statement on Governor Lamont's Legislative Proposals Regarding Special Education

Published: Lisa Hammersley, School + State Finance Project

Earlier today, Governor Ned Lamont announced his biennial state budget proposal will include an increase in Excess Cost grant funding for fiscal year 2027 and the creation of a new program to incentivize municipalities to provide special education programming to students in-district or on a regional basis.

The School and State Finance Project released the following statement from Executive Director Lisa Hammersley in response to the governor's proposals.


We applaud Governor Lamont for introducing proposals that seek to increase funding for the Excess Cost grant, limit the skyrocketing costs of special education tuition, and ensure students with disabilities receive the full, high-quality services they need and deserve.
The proposals unveiled today offer much-needed relief to some of the biggest financial challenges facing school districts and municipalities, and can help reduce the need for students to be educated outside of their home district — saving districts costs while keeping students with their neighborhood friends and in the least restrictive learning environment.
While the governor’s proposals are welcomed changes that have the potential to make a meaningful impact throughout our state, there is much more that can — and should — be done to support students with disabilities, their families, and school districts and communities across Connecticut.
From adding a weight for special education to the Education Cost Sharing (ECS) formula and fully funding the Excess Cost grant, to fully implementing a student-centered funding system, Connecticut must do more to support all of our students and ensure every child receives the free, appropriate public education they’re entitled to.
We urge the governor and the General Assembly to take action this legislative session by passing these proposals as well as the other recommendations made by the legislature’s Task Force to Study Special Education Services and Funding.
