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National Organization Partnerships

Charter School Sector Growth Analysis

Two people shaking hands


The Center for Learner Equity

Arrow going upward in front of a mountain with a blue flag at the top


Provide an understanding of state public charter school sectors across the U.S. to support The Center for Learner Equity’s work

A clipboard with a bar graph on it and three bullet points underneath the graph


Completed a longitudinal 50-state analysis of charter school enrollment and demographic changes with a focus on students with disabilities

Analyzing complex education systems like state charter school systems requires utilizing multiple state and federal data sources that can be difficult to reconcile.

Our data team has the technical skills and knowledge to produce meaningful insights and analyses from complex federal, state, and local data systems all across the United States.

In 2022, The Center for Learner Equity (CLE) requested our expertise to compile and analyze charter school enrollment and demographic data to provide foundational knowledge on how charter sectors in each state have changed. This information would aid CLE as it examines the relationship between high-quality special education programming and the growth and sustainability of charter schools.

Using federal and state data we compiled a 50-state analysis of student enrollment, racial demographics, socioeconomic status, and students with disabilities being served by charter and non-charter schools over the past 15 years.

This analysis set a foundation for CLE’s larger project aim of understanding and how special education service delivery impacts each state’s charter school sector growth and change.