Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Low-Performing School District Interventions in MA and CT

Written by School + State Finance Project | Mar 19, 2019 8:14:00 PM

This policy briefing discusses the authority of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Connecticut State Department of Education to intervene in low-performing public schools and districts in their respective states.

Included in this policy briefing is a focus on the 5-tier accountability system used in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to aid low-performing public schools and school districts. Specifically, this policy briefing covers Massachusetts’ distinct feature of receivership of schools or districts, which grants a level of authority to the Commonwealth to intervene in chronically low-performing schools and districts.

Additionally, highlighted in this policy briefing is State of Connecticut’s Next Generation Accountability Plan and the authority of the State to intervene in low-performing school districts, including assigning district improvement officers.

Connecticut School Finance Project. (2019). Low-Performing School District Interventions in Massachusetts and Connecticut. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from