Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Funding Formula Guidebook

Written by School + State Finance Project | Nov 29, 2016 9:40:00 PM
In an effort to provide valuable background information about the components of an effective school finance system, and offer options for policymakers to consider, the Connecticut School Finance Project created a comprehensive Funding Formula Guidebook, which details a framework for an equitable school finance system.

The Funding Formula Guidebook examines how Connecticut can achieve fair funding for its more than 540,000 students and includes:
  • An overview of policy approaches to state education funding
  • A review of research on effective education funding policies
  • A summary of recent education funding reforms in other states
  • An examination of how Connecticut’s current school finance system measures up to the necessary elements and characteristics of an effective school finance system
  • A comprehensive analysis of key school finance system components including the:
    • Foundation or core instructional amount
    • Weights to drive resources toward districts and schools that serve higher-need students
    • Mechanism for dividing the responsibility for funding education between the state and local government
    • Inclusion of all students who attend public schools

Connecticut School Finance Project. (2016). Funding Formula Guidebook. New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from