Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Data Collection & Transparency for Multilingual Learner Education

Written by School + State Finance Project | Dec 9, 2024 9:00:00 PM

Connecticut’s multilingual learner student population is growing. Providing the resources and services these students need will ensure they can succeed in the classroom and beyond. To better understand the current investments made and the effectiveness of its multilingual learner programs, the State of Connecticut should provide greater transparency on multilingual learner education data currently collected.

This document examines what data is currently collected regarding multilingual learner education and how changes could be made to improve and expand the data Connecticut collects on multilingual learner programs and investments.

Connecting student outcomes to program investments will allow Connecticut school districts to identify effective educational models that best serve the state’s growing multilingual learner student population.

School and State Finance Project. (2024). Data Collection & Transparency for Multilingual Learner Education. Southington, CT: Author. Retrieved from