Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Connecticut's Technical Education and Career System

Written by School + State Finance Project | Dec 20, 2021 8:32:00 PM

This policy briefing focuses on the Connecticut Technical Education and Career System (CTECS), formerly known as the Connecticut Technical High School System, and discusses its objectives, history, administration, and sources of funding.

The CTECS is Connecticut’s oldest system of public schools of choice and is the largest public high school system in the state — educating 10,995 students during the 2019-20 school year. The CTECS operates 17 diploma-granting high schools, divided into four regions, and offers 31 career technology education programs that are sorted into 12 career clusters.

Originally published on July 24, 2019, and revised in January 2021, this policy briefing has been updated with statutory changes from the 2021 legislative session.

School and State Finance Project. (2021). Connecticut's Technical Education and Career System. Hamden, CT: Author. Retrieved from