Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Connecticut's Teachers' Retirement System (TRS)

Written by School + State Finance Project | May 29, 2018 8:24:00 PM

As a supplement to our January 2018 report, Factors Contributing to Health of State Employee Pension Funds, this policy briefing analyzes the health of Connecticut’s Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), examines the factors that led to the system’s current funding level, and discusses the features of the system that differentiate it from other public pension systems, such as Connecticut’s State Employees Retirement System (SERS).

The policy briefing also discusses three potential options for restructuring TRS’ unfunded liabilities, as proposed by the Teachers’ Retirement System Viability Commission in April 2018, and the process by which Connecticut could elect for TRS members to participate in Social Security.

Connecticut School Finance Project. (2018). Connecticut's Teachers' Retirement System (TRS). New Haven, CT: Author. Retrieved from