Reports & Publications | School + State Finance Project

Designated High Schools and Endowed Academies

Written by School + State Finance Project | Dec 20, 2021 10:13:00 PM

There are a variety of types of public schools of choice in Connecticut, including magnet schools, career and technical high schools, vocational agricultural centers, and charter schools. Connecticut also has two additional school choice arrangements that are not as common: designated high schools and endowed academies.

This policy briefing discusses both of these options and how they are a part of Connecticut’s public education landscape. Included in this policy briefing is information about the objective, the history, the administration, and the funding of designated high schools and endowed academies.

Originally published on May 28, 2019, and revised in October 2020, this policy briefing has been updated with statutory changes from the 2021 legislative session.

School and State Finance Project. (2021). Designated High Schools and Endowed Academies. Hamden, CT: Author. Retrieved from