Other Resources | School + State Finance Project

Comparison of Charter, Magnet, AgriScience, and Technical High Schools

Written by Office of Legislative Research | Feb 17, 2018 12:04:00 AM

Research report from the Connecticut General Assembly's nonpartisan Office of Legislative Research that compares Connecticut's laws and funding for four types of public schools: charter schools, interdistrict magnet schools, regional agricultural science and technology education centers (“agri-science centers”), and technical high schools.

Moran, J.D., & Bolger, A. (2018). Comparison of Charter, Magnet, Agricultural Science Centers, and Technical High Schools (2018-R-0030). Hartford, CT: Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Legislative Research. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ct.gov/2018/rpt/pdf/2018-R-0030.pdf.