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Fiscal Accountability Reports (OPM)

Written by Office of Policy and Management | Nov 20, 2023 10:35:00 PM

Each year, in accordance with state statute, Connecticut's Office of Policy and Management produces a Fiscal Accountability Report outlining "significant factors affecting Connecticut’s budgetary and economic outlook." The purpose of the annual report is to inform policymakers about 1) Connecticut's fiscal state and 2) the financial and economic challenges the state currently faces and/or will potentially encounter in the future. Sections of the report include:

  • Estimate of State Revenues and Fixed Expenditures;
  • Projected Tax Credits;
  • Summary of Estimated Deficiencies;
  • Budget Reserve Fund;
  • Project Bond Authorizations, Allocations and Issuances;
  • Revenue and Expenditure Trends; and
  • Analysis of Possible Uses of Surplus Funds

Citation for Most Recent Report
State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management. (2023). Fiscal Accountability Report, Fiscal Years 2024-2028. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/OPM/Budget/FiscalAccountability/OPM-2023-Fiscal-Accountability-Report-Final.pdf.

Citation for Most Recent Slide Presentation
State of Connecticut, Office of Policy and Management. (2023). Fiscal Accountability Report, FY 2024 - FY 2028 [PowerPoint slides]. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/OPM/Budget/