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Education Funding 101: ECS Grant and Choice Schools

Written by Office of Fiscal Analysis, Office of Legislative Research | Feb 2, 2023 12:23:00 AM

This presentation was given by the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis and Office of Legislative Research as part of a February 1, 2023 joint informational forum on education funding hosted by the legislature's Education and Appropriations Committee.

The presentation covers the state's Education Cost Sharing (ECS) grant and its history, funding formulas for public schools of choice in Connecticut, and state education funding for each public school type.

Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Fiscal Analysis & Office of Legislative Research. (2023). Education Funding 101: ECS Grant and Choice Schools [PowerPoint slides]. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://schoolstatefinance.org/resource-assets/Education-Funding-101-Presentation-by-OFA-and-OLR.pdf.