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Connecticut Tax Incidence Reports

Written by Department of Revenue Services | Feb 14, 2024 10:22:00 PM

Tax incidence is a method of analysis that examines the impact of taxation. The tax incidence report from Connecticut's Department of Revenue Services (DRS) examines the impact of taxes on Connecticut households, analyzes the "results of the interplay of tax impacts," and provides an overview of Connecticut's tax environment.

While the Connecticut General Assembly passed a requirement for DRS to produce a tax incidence report biennially, beginning with the report from 2014, that requirement was delayed multiple times by the General Assembly until a new tax incidence report was released at the end of February 2022 using data from the 2019 tax year.

Citation for Most Recent Tax Incidence Report
State of Connecticut, Department of Revenue Services. (2024). 2023 Connecticut Tax Incidence Study: Tax Years 2011 - 2020. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/DRS/DRS-Reports/2023-Tax-Incidence-Study.pdf.