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Connecticut State Budget Process (Office of Fiscal Analysis)

Written by Office of Fiscal Analysis | Feb 6, 2019 11:33:00 PM

Presentation and flowchart from the Connecticut General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis explaining how Connecticut's state budget process and cycle works.

Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Fiscal Analysis. (2019). State of Connecticut Budgeting [PowerPoint slides]. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ct.gov/ofa/Documents/year/PRES/2019PRES-20190206_State%20of%20Connecticut%20Budget%20Process%20Presentation.pdf.

Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Fiscal Analysis. (2008). The State Budget Process - First Year of the Connecticut Biennial Budget Cycle. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ct.gov/ofa/documents/year/pres/2008PRES-20081201_The%20State%20Budget%20Process%20-%20First%20(1st)%20Year%20of%20the%20Connecticut%20Biennial%20Budget%20Cycle.pdf.

Connecticut General Assembly, Office of Fiscal Analysis. (2008). The State Budget Process - Second Year of the Connecticut Biennial Budget Cycle. Hartford, CT: Author. Retrieved from https://www.cga.ct.gov/ofa/documents/year/pres/2008PRES-20081201_The%20State%20Budget%20Process%20-%20Second%20(2nd)%20Year%20of%20the%20Connecticut%20Biennial%20Budget%20Cycle.pdf.