News & Press | School + State Finance Project

CT lawmakers push to receive more funding for school districts

Written by Kent Pierce, WTNH | Apr 28, 2023 1:30:00 AM

A new push is underway to get more state money allocated for urban school districts. Thursday morning, the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities unveiled its ad campaign in support of a bill lawmakers are currently considering.

One ad is designed to pull on the heartstrings. It shows a closeup of a young girl, with a voiceover that says you can support state education spending, “Or look her in the eyes and tell her, ‘Sorry, you don’t get the same chance at success.'”

Urban school district leaders say suburban districts spend much more per student, but cities already have much higher property tax rates. Their taxpayers are tapped out, so the only way to get the money they need is from the state. House Bill 5003 would accelerate increases in the state’s Education Cost Sharing grant.