News & Press | School + State Finance Project

Statement on Passage of State Budget for FYs 2024 & 2025

Written by Lisa Hammersley, School + State Finance Project | Jun 7, 2023 1:25:00 AM

The budget passed today is a historic leap forward for Connecticut’s public schools, its communities, its teachers, and, most importantly, its students.

It provides the largest single investment in K-12 education in the past 10 years, and the second largest investment in our state’s history. It also brings Connecticut one step closer to enacting a student-centered funding system for all students.

The new budget not only provides an additional $150 million to our public schools, it accelerates full funding of the Education Cost Sharing (ECS) grant by two years (to FY 2026) and moves closer to fully funding the Excess Cost grant.

These dollars are not just numbers on a page. They will make real, meaningful differences in the lives of students, families, and educators across Connecticut. They will support critical staff positions, fund after-school programs, provide mental health resources, and expand tutoring and student support services. They will also help communities avoid school layoffs and steep property tax hikes when federal COVID-relief aid expires next year.

This momentous investment in Connecticut public education would not have been achieved without the strong support of House and Senate leadership, who prioritized K-12 education throughout this legislative session and fought for equitable funding for all students. We applaud their persistence, the leadership of the Education and Appropriations Committees, and the tireless efforts of legislators on both sides of the aisle.