News & Press | School + State Finance Project

Statement on Gov. Lamont's Planned Cuts to K-12 Education

Written by Lisa Hammersley, School + State Finance Project | Feb 1, 2024 2:22:00 AM

During a press conference earlier today, Gov. Ned Lamont announced he will cut tens of millions of dollars for K-12 education as part of the fiscal year 2025 budget adjustments he proposes to the General Assembly next week.

The funds would be cut from the Education Finance Reform line item currently in the state budget (P.A. 23-204 § 346), which appropriates $150 million specifically to K-12 education and public schools throughout the state.

Lisa Hammersley, Executive Director of the School and State Finance Project, issued the following statement in response to the governor's planned cuts and announcement he will not honor the $150 million commitment.


Today, Governor Lamont announced plans to propose a budget that would cut funding for public schools by tens of millions of dollars and place a greater burden on taxpayers and local budgets.

By cutting the legislature’s historic, bipartisan investment in K-12 education made just eight months ago, the governor is proposing a budget built on broken promises while turning his back on the needs of students, families, and educators throughout the state.
