News & Press | School + State Finance Project

Staffing Dominates Federal COVID Funding For Schools

Written by Christine Stuart, CTNewsJunkie | Jul 23, 2022 1:34:00 AM

With over $1 billion in COVID funding available to school districts, a new report by The School and State Finance Project, ConnCAN, and FutureEd found more than 50% is going toward hiring and training staff, while 20% is being used to address learning loss. At the same time only about 11% of the funding has been spent and it’s unclear how these school districts or the state are tracking the results they are getting from the funds.

There’s also the question of how they will be able to support these programs and initiatives after this funding runs out, Michael Morton of The School and State Finance Project, said.

“These problems are going to outlive the federal funds and it’s up to districts to plan accordingly,” Morton said.